PowerhandAttachments- Vehicle Recycling System

METQUIPProductsNewVehicle DepollutionPowerhandAttachments- Vehicle Recycling System
PowerhandAttachments- Vehicle Recycling System
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Increase profitability by using the VRS system to quickly remove higher grade materials such as engine/ transmission assemblies, axle/ suspension components from lower grade vehicle body materials.

  • Hold down and clamp from the side vehicles using the machine mounted clamp arms.
  • Oversized materials can be cut to size using the grapple mounted shear.
  • Use the grapple, engine clamp and central shear to separate ferrous/ non-ferrous metals from the engine, cylinder head and gearbox assemblies.
  • Robust enough to handle heavy materials, yet the nimble jaws of the grapple allow easy removal of wiring looms, starter motors and alternators. Once the valuable wiring loom has been removed, use the multi-tool to strip off any unwanted electrical components.
  • Quickly process wheel and tyre assemblies by use of the grapple and clamp arm shear.
  • Use the grapple mounted shear to quickly cut through the exhaust and catalytic converter.Please contact Metquip for further details.