Fully Refurbished Zanetti ESB 92 24V Magnet
Fully Refurbished Zanetti ESB 92 24V Magnet
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Fully refurbished Zanetti Magnet for sale in WA
Make: Zanetti (ITALY)
Model: ESB 92
YOM: 2019
Weight: 850 kg (15 - 30T excavator)
Serial No: 700827-2
Complete with new Control system, cables,3-way chain etc. (Excluding exterior enclosure)
Metquip provides 6 months warranty on the control system.
Magnet is fully refurbished and tested.
Ideal for cleaning the yard. Light scrap loading operations.
Works very well on dense items.
Location: Metro Perth, WA.
Please contact Metquip today for more details: 08 9362 4304